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Hello dearest traveler, Even if you have never come to Turkey, I bet you heard about Cappadocia. Then why don't you join me on this trip and see this wonderful natural beauty and relaxing environment with your own eyes? We are going to stay in one of the famous cave hostels with four separate beds in one room. But If you want to have your own room, the price will change for you, we can discuss that. We will go to see amazing cave churches, beautiful fairy chimneys and more. Unfortunately, a hot air balloon ride is not included in this trip because it is way too expensive. It almost duplicates the trip cost. But you can always take nice photos with the view of them and have amazing posts for your Instagram 😄 And plus with a local TripLeader, you can learn the stories which are hiding around every corner. Adding a nice last sentence to satisfy the required minimum trip description length
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin placerat rutrum eros egestas sodales. Sed placerat tincidunt enim, eu mattis magna lobortis sed. Morbi interdum, sem vitae efficitur hendrerit, ipsum sem ultricies odio, nec maximus enim augue ac arcu. Mauris purus felis, elementum eget erat vel, auctor accumsan ex. Donec feugiat egestas dignissim. In pharetra sagittis tincidunt. Nullam nec diam porttitor dui facilisis facilisis. Sed magna magna, maximus at ligula nec, faucibus hendrerit diam. Vestibulum tortor libero, aliquet in eros nec, ornare venenatis diam. In dignissim ipsum iaculis diam fringilla, sit amet luctus nibh vulputate. Morbi vulputate sed felis ac sollicitudin. Proin purus neque, elementum a turpis id, bibendum semper erat. Nullam non consectetur lectus, sit amet placerat eros. Sed malesuada eget odio sed fringilla. Quisque dapibus ut risus et vehicula. Donec mollis sollicitudin dignissim. Vestibulum ut hendrerit justo. Mauris sollicitudin, tellus sed hendrerit dignissim, leo libero suscipit dui, eu tempus lectus dolor vel orci. In facilisis placerat porttitor. Morbi vitae dapibus mi, rutrum blandit quam. Praesent ac ligula ultricies, blandit est a, molestie arcu. Aenean nunc nulla, porttitor sed purus ut, tristique viverra urna. Ut elementum quam vitae est pretium posuere. Quisque at erat quis justo rhoncus venenatis vel at est. Nullam orci ex, pellentesque in malesuada id, congue vitae magna. Nunc pharetra ante vitae ullamcorper tincidunt. Vivamus in urna ut ex venenatis elementum. Vivamus id ligula vitae est tincidunt luctus id vitae velit. Vivamus nec auctor augue, eu posuere eros. Nullam sagittis ac risus ut interdum. Suspendisse ultrices aliquet tempus. Etiam quis elit at arcu pellentesque mollis quis eu purus. Curabitur sollicitudin auctor est a lacinia. Donec tristique vestibulum rhoncus. In ac nibh risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi bibendum ex quam, vitae malesuada erat pretium non. Aenean aliquam, erat sed auctor laoreet, neque nibh condimentum tortor, ut sodales neque urna sed velit. Donec magna tellus, eleifend sit amet viverra vel, tristique ac tortor. Etiam a maximus urna. Etiam lacinia pellentesque elit, a imperdiet nulla finibus porttitor. Curabitur fermentum purus leo, nec vestibulum mi scelerisque maximus. Nullam laoreet dui eros, at volutpat lacus laoreet quis. Mauris nec lacus elit. Fusce quis ultricies elit. Sed nec ipsum turpis. Suspendisse metus nisl, venenatis id tortor et, interdum pulvinar metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam gravida nulla et justo fringilla gravida. Integer sed mi in tortor fringilla vehicula et eu massa. Duis lacinia sed mauris in semper. Cras mollis, tortor at tristique dictum, metus orci accumsan felis, ut aliquam sapien risus a felis. Nulla ac neque non arcu feugiat condimentum eu eu arcu. Proin ornare id erat vel ullamcorper. Aliquam at massa varius ante dictum vehicula. Proin fermentum sit amet neque ut eleifend. Praesent quis dolor nibh. Vivamus in dolor urna. Suspendisse vitae tellus eu magna rhoncus commodo nec vel ex.
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You can chat with Sebastian once you reserve your spot.
Trip Itinerary


Day 1-6
On our first day, we are going to leave our luggage to our beautiful cave-hostel room. Relax a bit and explore the area a little bit. For quick sightseeing and not get so tired, we can visit the Goreme Roman Castle In the evening, we can go to a nice restaurant, eat and chat a little bit for getting to know each other better.

Metropolitan city of Catania

Day 6-11
This historical Unesco World Heritage place includes lots of churches, chapels are much more inside. It was used as a settlement for a long time after the 4th century AD. It was mostly home to monastic life. It will take around 2 hours to explore everywhere.


Day 11-19
Love Valley is 4900 meters long. This valley has such a romantic atmosphere, and after a long day (with lots of walking), this place would be the perfect spot to watch the sunset. And the view of fairy chimneys with hot air balloons should not be forgotten!!


Day 19-25
On the third day, we turn our direction to Ürgüp, which is close to Göreme and also famous. The Three Beauties are one of the iconic places to see when you visit Cappadocia. And it is not hard to see why.


Day 25-31
And the third part of this area is Avanos. On our last full day, we are going to explore Avanos together. We are going to see famous pottery ateliers in Avanos. Also, visit churches and historical places which are inside Avanos.

John F. Kennedy International Airport

Day 31-37
Ortahisar Castle is the biggest fairy chimney around all Cappadocia. If you climb the top of it, you can see the panoramic view of Ürgüp, Göreme, and Avanos. As in every part of Cappadocia, the history of this place goes back to ancient times. It was used as a living space during the Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman periods.


Day 37-41
This fascinating place is also another valley that attracts people's attention with its mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. Like everywhere else in Cappadocia, this place also has hidden stories inside it. But by increasing the curiosity, we leave these stories to the tour😄.


Day 41
This fascinating place is also another valley that attracts people's attention with its mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. Like everywhere else in Cappadocia, this place also has hidden stories inside it. But by increasing the curiosity, we leave these stories to the tour😄.

Taipei City

Day 41-43
This fascinating place is also another valley that attracts people's attention with its mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. Like everywhere else in Cappadocia, this place also has hidden stories inside it. But by increasing the curiosity, we leave these stories to the tour😄.


Day 43-46
This fascinating place is also another valley that attracts people's attention with its mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. Like everywhere else in Cappadocia, this place also has hidden stories inside it. But by increasing the curiosity, we leave these stories to the tour😄. asdsadasd sad
Trip Summary
Hotel & Apartments
46 days trip
Funchal, Metropolitan city of Catania & 8 more
Plane, Other
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